Why don’t we use a landline?

Working with our overseas clients, we’ve noticed more and more service-based businesses turning off their phone systems and, instead, offering more immediate engagement via chat options.  Since we have already been questioning the purpose of the phone system for a while – where we receive over 500 spam calls a month, we have decided to try this avenue as a trial.  And so far, it’s been working very well.
As a result, we now accept enquiries via the contact form, and if it’s an urgent matter, we respond to a WhatsApp message within an hour.  And if you are already our clients, you would have direct access to our team members.
Ultimately, our goal is to balance the service-based business model’s trilemma, which are:
  • quality service;
  • cost-effective solutions and;
  • speedy response. 
But, we always welcome our clients’ valuable feedback to improve our service efficiency, as we can always do better.